Group owners can view statistics and ask Flint questions about how members in the group are performing and using/making activities within that group. To open the analytics:
Open a group you are an owner of. This is usually teachers who own groups for specific classes.
Click on the three dots in the top bar then click "View analytics".
Tips for viewing the analytics
Ask Flint
Within the chat, you can ask Flint to analyze student performance. It can search across sessions and activities within your group. This means you can ask questions like:
How has [student name] improved over the last three activities?
How does [student A]'s performance compare to [student B]'s?
What are my students consistently struggling with?
Based on the performance from the last three activities, what skills do you suggest I work on with students next?
Adjust the timeframe
This can range from the past 7 days to all time. This will give you message highlights, suspicious messages, and statistics for the chosen time frame.
View highlighted feedback
This includes strengths, areas of improvement, and suspicious activity β such as inappropriate language β the students might be engaging in.
View trends
Scroll down to see the number of new sessions, tutors, and members, as well as the trends for the number of members and tutoring sessions
Scroll down further to view the top tutor creators and the types of tutors created in the group.