What has changed
Previously, Flint activity settings included a helpfulness slider for teachers to determine how "helpful" the AI should be. However, with Flint V5, that slider was removed due to how vague "helpfulness" means to the AI. Should it write content for students? Is giving examples or answers ok after the student tried?
What can I change the helpfulness now then?
First, open the Activity Settings for the activity you want to change the helpfulness for. With the chat-style activity builder, you can ask it to be more or less "helpful" with plain language, similar to how you might coach a TA to give students help. If you're not sure what the options for being helpful are, you can ask Flint "What are the options for customizing how helpful you will be?", and Flint will respond knowing the context of your desired activity similar to the screenshot below:
You can be a bit vague initially too and Flint will give you an updated activity to test. You can request further changes based on how the preview of the activity behaves.
Where can I input exactly how helpful I want Flint to be?
If you know what prompting language you want Flint to follow in terms of helping students, you can put that in the "Guidelines for Flint" under the "Build Manually" tab.